Wideband Software Emulator : Produces data frames just like a real controller.
It is used primarily to test different display configurations and for driving logging software.
It is useful for understanding data frame operation and for developing new hardware (or software) displays.
The emulator pop-up window is started from the [EMUL] button in the Terminal tab,
or select the main menu item Tools→Emulator.
You can independantly move the emulator window around the screen.
Its position will be rememberd the next time you start it.
Be aware that operations in other wbUTIL windows may affect the operation of the emulator by either
changing operating parameters, or stopping frames being produced where frame generation affects the operation of that function.
WBo2 Emulator - Simulates a Wideband Unit![]()
The Emulation Control section is only partially implemented as of this software rev, but pressing the Start toggle button (face then changes to Stop) controls sending out data frames. Note that when the Stop button is pressed a special Enter Conf Mode frame is sent as the last frame. This frame forces a display to enter config mode (the display shows conF). In config mode a display interprets ASCII data as commands in the same way a wideband unit does, and this mode is used to reprogram the display. The Force CRC Error check box does just that, forcing each frame to have an incorrect CRC calculated for it. The status bar shows the Frame Sequence counter byte field in decimal (191 shown.) and the Tick word field (1F9B shown) in hex. Other bar status fields change depending on what controls are being adjusted, the image shows that the Start button was pressed (changing its text to Stop) and setting the button's state to 1. To exit the emulator simply close the window (top right X and the currently selected values will be remembered the next time the emulator is started.